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Welcome to the team with a “can-do” attitude Here everyone can find the opportunity to do what they do best and what their heart is set on. At Tilde you can experience how enth
Sarunboti pārņem Lietuvas valsts sektoru: klientiem nav iebildumu runāt ar MI
“Over 40% of queries to the Lithuanian Public Employment Service chatbot are posted outside of working hours,” says the service representative while sharing her story about the
MI sarunbots ar integrētu LVM: Rīgas namu pārvaldnieka gadījums
Tilde’s AI Chatbots already serve more than 100 enterprises and governmental institutions in connecting with their clients and customers all over the world. But, the AI Chatbot w
Tulkošanas kļūdas, kuru dēļ var “pazaudēties” ceļā
The complex nature of localisation is so well known that “lost in translation” has become a metaphor for any miscommunication. Whenever we take on anything new, we risk mak
AI, don’t f*#$ up my name! Language is personal.
We’re all used to language technologies helping us in everyday activities, but what about those times when they fail? In this blog article, our Chief AI Officer, Mārcis Pinnis,
Tilde un Microsoft sadarbojas iekļaujošas izglītības nodrošināšanā, izmantojot MI runas-teksta tehnoloģiju
Tilde, one of Europe’s leading innovators in language technology, in partnership with Microsoft, aims to advance inclusive education through automatic speech recognition solution
32 jautājumi par godu Tildes 32. dzimšanas dienai — Tildes IZPILDDIREKTORA Artūra Vasiļevska atbildes
Tilde’s first day of operations was 17 September 1991. Back then it was a small company, which commenced its operations with the creation of Latvian language fonts and translatio
Kā atrast labu tulkošanas uzņēmumu un kāpēc tam ir nozīme?
Finding something long term should be a priority when looking for a translation company to work with. This is easier said than done, as there are many factors to consider when sear
Uzlabojiet tulkošanas produktivitāti, izmantojot dinamisko mācīšanos
There is no doubt that the rapidly evolving digital, technological and artificial intelligence era brings society mind-blowing opportunities to make our lives easier and work – m
Kā panākt, lai par tulkojumu nepārmaksātu?
In the world of translation, you’ll see many different prices. In fact, the range between different freelancers and translation agencies can be vast depending on a variety of fac