Next-level eLearning: AI Chatbot with LLM revolutionizes academic communication and learning processes

In cooperation with leading Latvian universities and businesses, language technology company Tilde has developed a unique AI chatbot Digne for enhancing the university course ‘Civil Protection’. The virtual assistant combines the latest technologies, including large language models (LLM), integration with a learning management system (Moodle), user authentication, and others to streamline administrative processes and enhance learning experiences.

Virtual assistant Digne is integrated into the course ‘Civil Protection’, as it is one of the mandatory courses for all students at Latvian higher education institutions. The uniqueness of this solution lies in a smart combination of technologies. Thanks to chatbot integration with the eLearning system Moodle, Digne provides students with personalised information about their study progress, their grades and other information about their studies. The virtual assistant also helps the academic staff communicate with students and generate reports, freeing them from administrative tasks.

Besides guided dialogues with pre-defined questions and answers, the chatbot has LLM integration. Virtual assistant Digne is trained with all the information used for teaching the course: lecture materials, presentations, videos, instructions, etc. When a student asks a question that doesn’t have a pre-defined answer, it uses the training’s data to generate a comprehensive response. This way, students can use the chatbot to gain insights, prepare for exams and quickly find needed answers and resources.

“I believe that Digne, as a unique AI solution in the whole European education system, is a good starting point that demonstrates that the future of higher education is a combination of academic personnel’s experience and the power of the latest generation language technologies such as virtual assistants that support and complement the whole learning process.”

Kaspars Kauliņš
Business Development Manager at Tilde

AI chatbot, together with a custom machine translation platform and tailored Minecraft games, were implemented under the European Social Fund project ‘Digitalization Initiatives for Involving Students and Improving the Quality of Studies of the University of Latvia and Project Partners’. The digital tools developed provide an opportunity to enhance students’ digital skills, bringing them closer to the needs and requirements of the future labour market. 

“The developed solutions clearly demonstrate that by cooperating with universities and leading ICT companies, we can significantly contribute to the creation of an advanced and competitive academic environment and provide significant support for improving study courses”

Prof. Signe Bāliņa
Advisor to the Rector of the University of Latvia on Digitization

The consortium of the project ‘Digitalization Initiatives for Involving Students and Improving the Quality of Studies of the University of Latvia and Project Partners’ (No. consists of five Latvian universities: the University of Latvia (UL), Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU), Vidzeme University (ViA), SIA Biznesa, RISEBA University of Applied Sciences, and A/S Transporta sakaru institūts (TSI), as well as three companies: Tilde, Baltijas datoru akadēmija, and Datorzinību centrs.