Enterprise Assistant

Navigate through your organisation's data with ease

Get the internal info you need in seconds with Tilde Enterprise Assistant.

Accurate, efficient, and always available.


A personal assistant for every employee

Imagine having a friendly assistant who knows exactly where to find any information you need. Always available and ready to answer your questions, no matter how specific or obscure.

Get answers faster

Quickly find answers without browsing through endless documents.

Increase productivity

Focus on your work while the assistant handles information retrieval. 

Enhance accuracy

Get precise information, reducing the risk of errors.

Information integrity

Share consistent and verified information across your team.


Advanced technology for instant answers

Tilde Enterprise Assistant is a custom solution that uses advanced technology to find answers within your organisation's knowledge base. It searches through files, links, and other resources to provide accurate information.

Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) solution

The science behind answer generation  

When the Enterprise Assistant receives your question, it searches the knowledge base, which consists of your documents, links, and other resources. It uses an LLM-based semantic search to understand the context of your query and then generates an easy-to-understand answer with references.

Easy information retrieval in three steps

Build the knowledge base

With our support, upload documents, links, and resources to ensure the Enterprise Assistant retrieves the data you need.

Assign roles and permissions

Ensure that the right people have access to the right information by setting up roles and permissions.

Get right into it

Use Tilde Enterprise Assistant to receive accurate answers immediately, improving your workflow from day one.


Powerful features for excellent performance

Knowledge base

Tailor the knowledge base to fit your organisation’s needs and add extra information effortlessly.

Semantic search

Find relevant information based on context, not just keywords, for more accurate results.

Multilingual support

Enter queries and access information through documents in multiple languages.

Smart answers, instant access

Spend less time looking for info and focus on what's important instead. Contact us and get started!

Frequently asked questions
What is Tilde Enterprise Assistant?

Tilde Enterprise Assistant is an AI-powered tool designed to help employees quickly find information within their organisation’s internal systems.

Does it integrate with existing systems?
The assistant can be connected with your current systems, utilising your existing knowledge base and resources. Contact us to find out more about the integration process for your enterprise!
Is the organisation’s information secure when using Tilde Enterprise Assistant?
Yes, Tilde Enterprise Assistant adheres to strict security protocols to ensure your organisation’s data remains confidential and secure.
Can it handle queries in multiple languages?
Absolutely! Tilde Enterprise Assistant supports multilingual queries, making them accessible to global teams.
What type of information can the assistant retrieve?
The assistant can retrieve any information stored in your organisation’s knowledge base, including documents, links, and other resources.
Is there a limited number of users that can use the assistant?
No, the platform is available for an unlimited number of users, and they can search for their answers simultaneously.