Highly customised neural machine translation platform helps Rail Baltica employees to access and exchange multilingual information without any delays
Team Tilde March 12, 2018
Rail Baltica is a greenfield rail transport infrastructure project with a goal to integrate the Baltic States in the European rail network. It is the largest Pan-Baltic transport infrastructure project which includes five European Union countries – Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and indirectly also Finland.
Rail Baltica needs to communicate with local and international partners as well as with the general public in four languages: English, which is the working language, Estonian, Lithuanian and Latvian. Thus, there is a pressing need to provide large amounts of text and documents in all languages on day-to-day basis. The turnaround time is very short, and sourcing translation services to professional translators was not a suitable solution as this would slow down the project.
Taking in consideration all the technical and security requirements, Tilde developed a fully custom solution for RailBaltica, which focused on providing its 150+ employees with an easy to use translation platform, where they can translate text, documents and websites. To ensure high quality translations, the engines were adapted to focus on legal, railway and construction domain, and include field terminology that was important for Rail Baltica. The engines were trained with state-of-art-technology using 46,4 million parallel sentences, which is comparable to 7,892 Harry Potter Books, which allows the translation engines to provide precise translations.
To ensure full data security and confidentiality, all translations are carried out securely on cloud infrastructure which is hosted within the EU and translations are deleted immediately after they have been received. Security component is very crucial for Rail Baltica, since most of the translations contain highly sensitive and confidential data.
“The solution delivered by Tilde allows our employees quickly understand the documents provided in any language of the Baltic States. With the help of Tilde, we can access all necessary information without intermediaries and without any delays.”
Līva Biseniece, Head of Communications Department of RB Rail AS
The highly adapted neural machine translation platform allows Rail Baltica employees to privately and instantly access and exchange multilingual information. Users can translate text and documents by simply dragging/dropping the document and full translation is provided within seconds. Translations preserve the original document formatting and tags such as HTML code which saves employees time and effort. In nine months, RailBaltica has translated about 2,5 million words, with an average of 8 thousand words per day. A professional translator can translate around 2,000 per day, which means that it would take four days for a professional translator to process that amount of translations, whereas machine translation provides it instantly.