Grammar and spell checking for Lithuanian, document translation, speech-to-text, encyclopaedias, synonym dictionary and many more tools all in one place on your computer – Tildes Biuras.
Tildės Biuras spelling and grammar tools will check your texts for words, commas, and the most common style errors. Additionally, in the “Grammar” section, you can find out how to correctly write Lithuanian and foreign language words in various forms and conjugations.
The product also offers Tilde-created fonts and a variety of keyboard layouts.
Proofing tools are compatible with the Windows operating system, MS Office, LibreOffice, and OpenOffice software.
In Tildės Biuras, you can use Lithuanian, English, German, Russian, French, Latvian, and Estonian dictionaries to translate words and terminology.
Get to know the world’s best automatic translator for work in the Baltic languages. With this tool, you can translate not only a sentence but also a whole document at once.
Do you remember what your language teacher taught you about word repetition in adjacent sentences? Improve the use of language in your work and find the most appropriate words with Tildės Biuras Thesaurus. Enrich your language and find out what other words can be used to express the desired thought.
Synonyms are now also available in Lithuanian, English, Russian, German, and French.
Where does the phrase “Andalusian dog” come from? Use the collection of encyclopaedic information to verify or find out facts, explanations, terminology, and foreign words.
Tildės Biuras is compatible with: Windows operating systems that are newer than Windows Vista, as well as with Microsoft Office versions that are newer than the 2007 version.
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