Artūrs Vasiļevskis has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Tilde

As of January 2023, Artūrs Vasiļevskis has been appointed Chairman of the Board of the language technology company Tilde. The company’s co-founder and former Chairman of the Board Andrejs Vasiļjevs will continue his work on the board, taking care of the company’s strategic development.

Artūrs Vasiļevskis holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the Riga Business School and has long-standing experience in information technology. Artūrs began his work at Tilde in 2010 as a project manager, later taking over as Head of Machine Translation Solutions and in recent years running Tilde’s language technology business. Under his leadership, many important language technology projects have been implemented including the EU Council Presidency Translator, the Latvian state administration language technology platform, the machine translation platform for the Finnish Prime Minister’s Office, the public machine translation service of Estonia and several others.

In future, former Chairman of the Board and co-founder of Tilde Andrejs Vasiļjevs will devote more time to Tilde’s strategic development, innovation, and participation in creating European multilingual infrastructure, drawing on his long-standing experience in the business and scientific environment.

“The key to Tilde’s sustainability and success is continued development. I am pleased that Tilde has grown a generation of strong leaders who enthusiastically develop technologies and strengthen Latvian and other languages in the digital world. Artūrs has proven himself to be a brilliant professional and capable manager. He sets challenging goals and leads the team with a passion for achieving them. I am convinced that under Artūrs’ leadership, Tilde will fulfil its growth potential even faster,” notes Andrejs Vasiļjevs.

“I greatly appreciate the trust and determination of Tilde’s owners, Andrejs Vasiļjevs and Uldis Dzenis, to put Tilde’s leadership in my hands,” says Tilde’s new Chairman of the Board Artūrs Vasiļevskis. “I assume the leadership of the company with a high sense of responsibility and, at the same time, with great inspiration.”

“There has been a massive leap in the qualitative development of language technology solutions during the past few years, driven by new neural network architectures and large language models, etc. Modern language technologies have enabled individual users, businesses, and public administrations to become aware and understand how they can make day-to-day work more accessible and efficient. As the main priority for our future, I see the development of innovative solutions through the introduction of the latest technologies that are emerging through cooperation between our researchers and leading European research laboratories,” explains Artūrs Vasiļevskis.