Tilde Chosen as the Language Technology Partner by the Three Seas Initiative (3SI)
Team Tilde March 12, 2021
The annual Three Seas Summit and Business Forum organized by the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) is taking place on June 20-21 in Riga, Latvia. During the event, state presidents and business leaders from twelve 3SI countries together with strategic partners and international investors will discuss cooperation opportunities, economic growth, and various other topics. This year, information about the Summit is made available in all 24 official EU languages by Tilde Machine Translation technology, making it broadly accessible across the continent.
The Three Seas Initiative (3SI) is a forum of 12 EU Member States between the Baltic, Black and Adriatic seas – Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. 3SI Summits are held annually at the presidential level with the aim to create a regional dialogue, discuss cooperation opportunities to strengthen economic growth, energy security and connectivity, as well as the geopolitical situation and other matters. It is estimated that this year, the total necessary investment in the region’s infrastructure projects will top 500 billion euro.
To make information about the Summit available to all Europeans, as of this year the 3SI website is accessible in all 24 official European Union languages. Newly added information is instantly translated into 24 languages using the AI-powered Website Translator developed by Tilde, a leading European language technology company. Furthermore, visitors can now use the Tilde Translation Platform for instant translation of texts and documents in many formats (PDF, Word, JPG, PPT, and other) with just a click without leaving the 3SI website. It is secure, GDPR compliant and unlike most available online translation tools, no data is passed to any third party provider.
“We are pleased to facilitate information flow across language borders at this politically and economically important EU initiative. Ever since the EU Council Presidency Translator developed by Tilde for Germany’s and 7 other presidencies, our language technology has helped millions of people. AI powered machine translation enables true European multilingualism in a fast and cost efficient way,”
says Artūrs Vasiļevskis, the Head of Language Technologies in Tilde.